Keeping Up With Industry Trends

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What is ESG Investing?

ESG is an investment approach that considers environmental, social, and governance factors as part of the overall investment decision and does not just focus on financial rewards. For many investors, the belief is that their investment capital will be used to invest not just for pure economic profit, but for greater environmental and social good.

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When Carbon Negative is a Positive

Both governments and companies have increasing started publicizing steps they are taking to reduce our carbon footprint and ultimately get to “net zero” emissions, but what does that actually mean?

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Wind, Solar, and EVs Are Just Part of the Solution

Electric Vehicles and renewable power sources like Wind and Solar undeniably create cleaner energy over the long run. However, the process of manufacturing wind and solar farms, as well as the batteries used in electric vehicles, are significant sources of Greenhouse Gas emissions as well as causing other environmental, national security, and labor issues.

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